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Sewing a wedding dress: they share their experience (1/2)

Sewing is perfect for daring, pushing our limits and taking on challenges. Sewing a wedding dress may seem inaccessible, but it is a sewing project that is within your reach with preparation and patience.

Through my line of customizable patterns and the ebook "My wedding dress" , I want to inspire you to dare to embark on major sewing projects. These tools will give you the keys to realize your ambitions.

One of my daily joys is to receive photos of your creations. I am even more touched when they are the dresses you sewed for your wedding or that of a loved one. I asked several seamstresses who have already embarked on the adventure to share their experience. I had a lot of fun reading them, I hope you will too. Happy reading!

♡ MAUD ♡


Creating a wedding dress is, I think, one of every seamstress' dreams, but when you also have the chance to make one for one of your best friends, it's simply incredible! It's also a great source of stress, because if there's one dress that has to be perfect, it's this one! I immediately bought the e-book which has become my "bedside e-book". I absolutely wanted to have an idea of ​​what I would be able to do before making any proposals to my friend.

We started by doing fittings in very nice boutiques so that the bride-to-be could get an idea of ​​what she liked or didn't like. We then established specifications together which resulted in the creation of a first toile. I don't know how to make patterns at all so I opted for a less academic technique... I assembled the toile and then simply drew the modifications on my friend which gave us a good laugh! Once the toile was perfectly adjusted, I took it apart and then transferred it onto pattern paper.

For the choice of fabric, we ordered samples from Stragier and we also sent photos of the fabric so that the consultant could guide us. I made a mistake in choosing the fabric which meant I had to start the whole skirt again. The first fabric chosen was of great quality, but it creased immediately which would have given a bad result on the wedding day. So we finally changed to a softer and especially crease-resistant muslin.

I spent a little over 70 hours on the dress, whereas usually beyond 5 hours for a project, I start to lose patience. I had a lot of doubts, but what made all the difference was the calm and kindness of the future bride. I really advise seamstresses who want to embark on this type of project to do it with someone they trust completely, it must remain a pleasure.

For us, creating the dress contributed to incredible moments of friendship! To summarize our Saturdays from October 2020 to June 2021, the three of us (the bride-to-be, another of her witnesses and me) were sitting at my sewing table. While I was sewing, they were with me, we were chatting, drinking tea… These moments are among the most beautiful memories of my life.

If I had to remember just one moment it would definitely be the morning of the wedding when I closed her dress, the emotion felt was incredible! ... I can't wait to do it again!



Even before THE marriage proposal I had told myself that it would be a great challenge to make your own wedding dress. It was also the opportunity to have a totally custom-made dress, completely unique and that suited me, whether in the choice of cut or fabrics. And what pride to wear what you have created, especially for such an important day.

This project and the customizable pattern system allowed me to imagine the dress of my dreams like when I played stylist when I was little. It was also an opportunity to discover and sew beautiful quality materials. This first major project allowed me to follow a more professional structure, from patterns, following a booklet, and making a toile before launching into THE dress with its precious fabrics. I also discovered several sewing techniques that scared me a little at first: princess seams, invisible zip or sewing openwork fabrics for example. Now, I no longer have any apprehension about sewing with patterns or with techniques or fabrics that seem complicated, I am ready to take on any challenge!

To choose fabrics, especially if you choose them online, I strongly advise you to order several samples to see how the fabrics hold up but also how transparent they are. Ordering a color chart also allows you to choose the shade you like the most and to make sure that the fabrics will match well. Then, it is important to make at least one toile to check that the cut and size chosen suits your body shape and still pleases you. This also allows you to practice the most technical steps and to be totally ready and trained for sewing THE dress. Sewing your wedding dress is really worth it: this was confirmed by the amazed and proud look of Monsieur and those around us on the big day... and it really boosts your self-esteem.



Photographer: @philippe_walther

My wedding dress is the first piece of clothing I sewed for myself. I always dreamed of sewing my own clothes. When it was time to think about my wedding dress, I felt disappointed that I had not learned to sew earlier, but anyway, I took it on: a great challenge! I must admit that until the end I told myself that I had to have a plan B in case I failed in my project.

I loved learning how to do it properly: I don't feel like my dress is tinkered with, even though I sewed and unsewed some parts several times to be fully satisfied with the result. I am proud of my dress and I know that I learned a lot thanks to this project. A seasoned seamstress would surely see things that could be revised, but my grandmother, who has sewn all her life, validated it, and that is the most important thing in my eyes. Thanks to this project, I now think I am capable of sewing many other things!

My first piece of advice is not to think that you need to be an experienced seamstress to sew your wedding dress. I was a complete beginner, but with Charlotte's advice (the ebook is a real goldmine), various resources on the internet or in my entourage, and lots and lots of patience, I am proud to say that I succeeded!

I also advise those who are starting out to take the time to make and unmake a few toiles, to go and try on dresses in stores, to choose a model that is within your reach and to your tastes, and to find a shoulder to lean on for fittings, ideas and motivation. Finally, I would say that you should not be afraid of sewing lace: it is much simpler than it seems...



We wanted a simple wedding. Elegant, traditional, but simple. For me, the sewing enthusiast, it was obvious that I would sew my wedding dress.

I went into a boutique specializing in wedding dresses to try on different models and confirm what I had in mind, I came out with a dress that I had ordered... I immediately regretted it. It cost a small fortune and did not correspond to what I had in mind. As the alterations that did not suit me continued, my regrets only increased. So I applied the adage "you are never better served than by yourself" and I returned to my initial desire to sew my wedding dress! I loved every step of the way.

The one that took me the most time was visualizing the dress of my dreams. Imagining the necklines, the volume, the drape, the play of transparency, the lengths... all while taking into account what suits me and what doesn't. Finally, my wedding dress is different from my first idea, but it is perfect for me, in line with my body and my mind. Even if you know your body shape well, I would advise trying on a store-bought outfit before starting (with the color and shape you imagine), at least to familiarize yourself with this unusual style.

Last tip, choose online stores that allow you to try it on at home and return it if it doesn't fit. You'll have time to look at yourself from every angle and think carefully. Sewing your wedding dress takes time, planning and perseverance. There will be seams to undo. Lots. But it's worth it!



I have been sewing my clothes for two years and I enjoy more and more wearing handmade and custom-made clothes. You can make the patterns your own and use fabrics that will make them unique. The dress I sewed is unique and in my image.

I was particularly keen to make this project a reality by going to buy my fabric in the Sacré Cœur district. When I was a child, my grandmother took me to the Marché Saint Pierre - Dreyfus and to Reine. I was always amazed by the fabric displays, especially at Reine where mannequins are dressed with the fabrics sold. I was able to go and choose my lace and my main fabric with my mother and my godmother. The circle is complete. These stores are my Proust madeleine, especially since almost nothing has changed in decades.

I made this dress with love and anticipation to show it to my future husband. With each step I realized the commitment I was about to make. It was emotionally intense, and I think I shed a little tear at each stage of the making. Watching this dress take shape as it went along was magical. I also feel great pride in having sewn this dress myself for this special day.

The key is really to take your time. So I sewed it over several days, step by step so as not to put unnecessary pressure on myself. I cut the lace with a friend. It was more reassuring to work with two people. For the assembly, the steps followed easily and with great pleasure. Since I had already had the opportunity to make a toile and having already sewn dresses, the assembly of the dress did not scare me.

The ebook helped me a lot, especially on the technical points that I didn't know like the installation of the lichette and the zipper with the lining. It also helps on the choice of fabrics and on how to go about sewing the lace. I started two months before the wedding date for the toile and I started sewing it a month before. It's short, but with my job I knew I would have enough time to do everything.

Thanks to Maud, Mathilde, Soizic, Florence and Sandra for their generosity.
Continue reading with the rest of the testimonials .

1 comment


Très belles robes, je souhaites faire la mienne, j’ai une question: lorsque l’on triple le devant avec de la dentelle (doublure / tissu principal / dentelle) doit on coudre la dentelle et le tissus principal ensemble notamment pour la découpe princesse: coudre dentelle et tissu principal ensemble , puis doublure pour cacher les coutures ?
J’ai peur que les coutures sur la dentelle se voient si on ne procède pas comme ça, je ne sais pas si c’es très clair.



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